Music Monday: Lorne Smith’s 2014 New Year’s Party

As mentioned in a previous Music Monday, Lorne and The Wayhighs would be announcing show soon. They’ve got a pretty awesome event lined up for New Years. Is it too early to start thinking about New Years Eve?  Not when we’re talking about the Wayhighs first ever show in Yosemite at the 11th Annual Yosemite Bug New Year’s […]

Music Monday: This and That

Welcome back LAS to another Music Monday!  I know it’s not everyone’s favorite day of the week but I’m hoping these songs can make your day just a little bit better.

2012 Summer Lacrosse Camp Directory

With Summer 2012 fast approaching, we want to make sure that all of our young lacrosse playing readers have some solid instructional lacrosse camp recommendations. Check out our list!

Music Monday: Lorne And The Wayhighs

Lorne and the way highs &

This week’s Music Monday features a living lacrosse legend having a go in the MUSIC biz! Lorne Smith makes an entrance with Lorne & The Wayhighs… check it out and let us know what you think!