Princeton is a lacrosse program rich with tradition. Before Bill Tierney took over, this wasn’t nearly as true. Now that he has moved on to Denver, maybe it’s time for a new stamp to be put on the program, and what better way to do that than to deck ’em out in new uniforms?!?!
Sure, there are lots of other, more important things that would create a new feeling within the program. Like playing run and gun on O, going takeaway heavy on D, scheduling weaker teams and running up the score, recruiting only Canadian geniuses and lots of other stuff that isn’t going to happen. Princeton has found a good formula and while I expect it to be tweaked, it won’t change wholesale.
Even though the Princeton uniforms didn’t change much over the Tierney years, they did change a bit last year and I have to think that was solely because of a new coach. So I’ll stick with that. Their uniforms this past season were a little too boomerangy for me, and while they certainly were modern, they lacked a real sense of tradition… and that’s something a school like Princeton usually tries to embrace.
I actually like the effort to switch it up, I just don’t love the result. Also, the uniforms looked a little brown. Weird.
Anyway, the look I’m proposing sticks with the Warrior-style numbering. That’s a constant. The rest of the uniform has piping, and lots of blocks of color similar to the above effort, but a little less crocodile dundee. I obviously stuck with Warrior since that relationship seems pretty much carved in Ivy-covered stone.
Similar to the old black jerseys with stripes on the arms. But classier.
Shorts could also be black or white. Warrior should say Tigers btw.
The Tigers could also add a little grey in there (everybody’s doin’ it!). Looks more “classic”.
And I know it’s blasphemy to even think about trading in the white helmet with the black visor or chin with the P on the side, but I’m doing it. Tell me this isn’t a sharp lid. We all know it is. Maybe as an alternate, at least?
Black helmets are bad ass. And they look good with orange. Eleven years ago when the black and orange of Wayland HS was my hated rival, I couldn’t have said that. Look Ma, I’m all growns’d up. Warrior doesn’t yet have a customizer so I went with Cascade for this one. That would look unreal of a Warrior TII as well. Matte black anyone? Done deal.