Grow the Game®

5 Ways To Make Today About Others

Chazz Woodson - Words of Wisdom

In very small, but significant ways, make today about other people. Find somebody to compliment. Find somebody to help. Find somebody to hold a door open for. Find somebody to hug. Find somebody to thank.

Living With Privilege

Chazz Woodson - Words of Wisdom

When all things are considered, privilege is not something that we can pretend we don’t have. It’s just a matter of how privileged are we compared to the next person. What advantages do I have that are available to me (for whatever reason) that are not available to the next person, and why aren’t they available to that person?

Recommit To Your Goals

Chazz Woodson - Words of Wisdom

It’s June 23rd already, which means just about half of 2014 has already passed us by. Many of us, back in late December or early January set goals for the year. Some of us set one or two goals, while others set numerous goals.

Maintaining a Positive Attitude

Chazz Woodson - Words of Wisdom

I received a text this morning. It was a picture of a bright, sunny, blue sky with the question “What could possibly go wrong on such a beautiful day?” This text was on the heels a of a very rough 2 days for this person.

Don’t Argue With Fools

Chazz Woodson - Words of Wisdom

Disagreement is healthy. Arguing can be healthy. Arguing with the intent of changing someone’s mind, or showing how “correct” we are, is often fruitless.

Whatever Comes Our Way

Chazz Woodson - Words of Wisdom

Remember this week, that we are purposed for whatever comes our way. Every headache, every issue, every strain, every struggle; focus on moving forward, even if it means crawling.

Extra Effort to Encourage

Chazz Woodson - Words of Wisdom

A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. “What food might this contain?” the mouse wondered. He was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.

Reason Enough To Give

Chazz Woodson - Words of Wisdom

To what or to whom are you contributing today, outside of what is required by your life circumstance?

7 Big Lessons

Chazz Woodson - Words of Wisdom

Here are 7 big #lessons I’ve learned over the last 9 years of #lacrosse and #life…

Life Is Interesting

Chazz Woodson - Words of Wisdom

It’s important to be careful about the words we use to describe ourselves, and the phrases and descriptions we attach to ourselves. I’m guilty of it myself. Every time I fall asleep a little too early, or don’t feel like being out past10:30 or 11, it’s because “I’m old.”

Decision Making Criteria

Chazz Woodson - Words of Wisdom

There’s a time and a place for everything. There’s a time and a place to speak up. There’s a time and a place to remain quiet. There’s a time and a place to exert our influence. There’s a time and a place to mind our business. There’s a time and a place to defer to others. And there’s a time and a place to acknowledge or appreciate what we’ve done.