Chris Rieley Collaboration: #TheGopherProject
The idea for this week’s article dates back to this summer during a post-game conversation. I was handed an amazingly strung wooden box stick from Chris Rieley and the idea dawned on me. Chris and I should team up to string an open gut sidewall on a current head. I dyed a True Key to […]
Breaking-In A Traditional Pocket, Part 2: #TheGopherProject
This week we’re going to revisit the STX Stallion Omega I strung up here. Here the focus is on adjusting the pocket as it breaks in. This is Part 2 of breaking-in a traditional pocket. Breaking-In A Traditional Pocket, Part 2 Alright, here’s what you need: A strung traditional pocket Patience…. So, let’s take a […]
Katie Facciola (aka Foss): Stringer Spotlight — #TheGopherProject
Welcome to the December spotlight! When I first starting writing for Lacrosse All Stars, I wrote down about 15 folks in the community that I wanted to spotlight. Needless to say, Katie was high on the list. Honestly I had her pegged for February so we could do some Laxcon stuff for that. However, […]
Rock-It Ladder Pocket: #TheGopherProject
Alright, it’s time for another tutorial! This time we’re taking the concept of the Rock-It Pocket and combining that with the women’s ladder pocket. Now, the center channel of the Rock-It Pocket has always been one of my favorite traditional pockets. When done correctly, it gives you great hold and moves the ball quickly out […]
How To Break In A Traditional Pocket: #TheGopherProject
This week we’re going to look into how I break in a traditional pocket. Note, how I do this may be different from others, there’s no “right” way. It’s important to remember that breaking in a traditional pocket is a gradual process, it’s not something you can do over night. However, once broken in and […]
TRADiTREE Spotlight: #TheGopherProject
We’ve taken a few months off from spotlights as we presented the round table articles. So, let’s kick off this spotlight #TheGopherProject with Hank Furnbach better known as TRADiTREE and Traditreepaint. Traditree is a traditional pocket stringing tool. While, Tradipaint is a non-traditional method of painting a lacrosse head. Instead of dyeing a head with […]
An Apology About Coverage Of Women’s Lacrosse
First off, I want to apologize for myself and on behalf of LaxAllStars for the controversy that the recent women’s roundtable article I wrote as part of my series called #TheGopherProject caused. I in no way intended to slight the women’s sport or make it seem as though it was in any way less significant […]
Will Women’s Lacrosse Ever Evolve Into The Men’s Game? Our Roundtable Discusses
Editor’s Note: This multi-part series Women’s Stringing Roundtable on #TheGopherProject will provide insight from experienced stringers and representatives from stringing manufacturers. Check out the first week in the series here, and the second edition here. You can find the third edition here. Here’s the fourth edition. Today, our roundtable discusses whether women’s lacrosse will ever […]
Biggest Challenge In Head Design: How Manufacturers Are Adjusting To The New Rules
Editor’s Note: This multi-part series Women’s Stringing Roundtable on #TheGopherProject will provide insight from experienced stringers and representatives from stringing manufacturers. Check out the first week in the series here, and the second edition here. You can find the third edition here. Today, our roundtable discusses the biggest challenge in head design that manufacturers face […]
Full-Mesh Women’s Sticks: When Will We See Them?
Editor’s Note: This multi-part series Women’s Stringing Roundtable on #TheGopherProject will provide insight from experienced stringers and representatives from stringing manufacturers. Check out the first week in the series here, and the second edition here. Women’s lacrosse equipment manufacturers discuss the timetable that they think will need to happen before we see a full-mesh women’s […]
Lacrosse Gear Product Development: Women’s Lacrosse Roundtable
Editor’s Note: This multi-part series Women’s Stringing Roundtable on #TheGopherProject will provide insight from experienced stringers and representatives from stringing manufacturers. Check out last week’s edition here. Women’s lacrosse equipment manufacturers discuss the product development process for women’s gear. Women’s lacrosse pockets have always had more restrictions than men’s pockets. With the recent relaxing of […]
How Mesh In Women’s Lacrosse Has Affected Manufacturers
Editor’s Note: This multi-part series Women’s Stringing Roundtable on #TheGopherProject will provide insight from experienced stringers and representatives from stringing manufacturers. As we have just finished the stringers point of view portion, it’s now time to see how women’s lacrosse mesh has impacted the sport from the view of the manufacturers. Women’s lacrosse pockets have […]