We publish a fantastic photo every Friday, and if you drop the best Photo Caption in the comments section of this post, we hook you up with sweet LAS gear from the Lacrosse Shop! Not too shabby, eh? It’s how a great Caption Contest works!
This Week’s Caption Contest…
Check out the photo below, and drop your best caption in the comments! We’ll hook the winner up with their very own TLN Snapback, as featured in our Holiday Grab Bags.
This week’s photo comes to us from Patrick Sullivan and was taken at a recent Colorado State practice. Patrick sent the picture along with a one line message, “Ice cold Rams”. We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
What do you think is going on in that huddle? Let’s hear it!
Get to commenting and WIN! If YOU want your photo to be used in a future Caption Contest, send us the photo and some info via our Tipline!
Last Week’s Winner…
Last week’s Caption Contest winner is ryanschiller14.
ryanschiller14 – Send us your mailing address and we’ll hook it up!
The lacrosse prizes and potential internet fame are well worth the effort, and even if it takes us some time, we’ll always pick a winner! Let the Caption Contests begin!
Bonus lacrosse! Sullivan sent over another snap shot of the Rams getting after it during practice.