I’ve been watching videos on YouTube throughout my whole life, and recently I decided it was time to start my very own channel. The first thing I wanted to cover was nutrition, so naturally a Chipotle run was in order!
Editor’s note: Please welcome Jules Heningburg to Lacrosse All Stars! A 2018 graduate of Rutgers University where he was a 2x All-America selection, Jules now plays professionally with the Florida Launch and San Diego Seals. We’ve agreed to disagree on guacamole for now.
I respect the health-conscious folks who say a thousand calories burrito isn’t necessarily the best thing for you, but yours truly likes to think of Chipotle as the healthiest fast food option out there. Sometimes I need my food, and I need it fast.
I think Kyle, my cameraman who may or may not look like Leonardo DiCaprio, did a great job on my first YouTube video. Check it out below, subscribe to my channel and let me know what you think!