Connor Martin, in conjunction with Flow Society, is releasing 30 lacrosse tips over the next 29 weeks. ConBroChill made the videos with his zany crew, so they have that distinct CBC feel to them, and are quite entertaining. As an added bonus, the videos are also quite informative! Each week we’re going to post his new clip along with a Q&A from the man himself, Connor Martin!
This week we’re talking about the Face Dodge, and how you can get closer to the goal for shots, while making people look silly, as long as you use it correctly!
When is a good time to use the face dodge? Is it something you can just whip out whenever? Or do you need to set this dodge up somehow?
The only two times you really want to use a face dodge is when you have a defender over committing/sliding towards you, or if you can get your defender to flinch/freeze and face dodge by him. I have watched some face dodge-happy kids use it as a “dodge” where they run at their defender and just pull their stick across their face and run… That’s not really the idea, although I do love their passion!
This dodge is all about set up. You can do a few things to set it up. Acting like you’re going to shoot helps draw defenders to slide to you and you can make them freeze or flinch with a good wind up and then tuck your stick across your body and go underneath them. Also, acting like you’re going to pass up field and then face dodge under is a another great time to use this dodge. Like all moves in lacrosse, it’s all about taking advantage of each little moment the game gives you. Having this move in your arsenal is a great way to get closer to the goal and get easier shots.
What is your favorite thing about the face dodge? When do you use it most?
The best thing about the face dodge is it is a move that gets you closer to the goal, as I said above. I think it’s really important for the majority of players to get as close to the goal as possible to get good quality shots off. A lot of kids, including myself, idolize the way guys like Rabil, Streibel, and Seibald can shoot the rock from 12-16 yards with time and room and on the run with no problem whatsoever.
But people have to understand that these guys are insane athletes and that we mostly watch their highlight reels so it looks like they’re unstoppable from deep. In reality, these are low percentage shots, even for those guys. And a normal laxer like me (and the rest of the world) should probably focus more of our energy on developing moves that get us closer to the goal. I hit a couple 2 bombs in 2012 and literally couldn’t stop shooting them. What I really should have been doing is using those 2 bomb wind ups to set up my face dodge and get closer to the goal for a 10 yard shot. I would have scored more!
I use the face dodge most in catch and shoot situations as well as down low at GLE to get underneath defenders and sweep across the crease for (relatively) easy dunks.
Who has the nastiest face dodge you’ve ever seen?
Peet Poillon. Watch highlights of that man. His wind up is one of the most intimidating things you’ll ever see and I dare you not to flinch when you see it. He makes people look silly with his face dodge and has made a career of getting closer to the goal for scoring opportunities. It doesn’t hurt that he can hit deep shots to really set that up. One thing to remember is the better your outside shot, the easier it is to get face dodges off because people will think you’re going to pull the trigger.
I’ve noticed guys like Rabil and Hartzel really starting to abuse people with the face dodge because they are so scared of their outside rips. I’m sure Mike Sawyer will be making people look silly next year. If you win the fastest shot competition, people will flinch.
So ya, that’s my last tip… win the fastest shot contest and your face dodge will be way better. Go out there and be somebody!