Few things are as deflating as losing the face and immediately giving up a goal. In today’s #FilmBreakdown clip, we watch as Richmond’s FOGO does just that, and examine what went wrong for the High Point defense.
Fast Break Defense: #FilmBreakdown
The key to fast break defense is early and clear communication. Here we see that Richmond is in a relatively “flat” fast break, meaning the attackmen are all maintaining the same relative depth. This differs from what a lot of youth programs use (L-break). The flat attack set up spreads out the defense and creates spacing issues in this situation. By the time the Richmond FOGO enters the box, the nearest defender is nearly 10 yards away and flat footed. The slide, which is slow, comes to late and the Richmond FOGO has time to bury the shot. To fix this situation we need the defense to quickly recognize a fast break situation, communicate who is going to slide, and stop ball at all costs. Yes sliding early will create a temporary stress on the defense and rotating, but not sliding to stop ball will result in a shot every time.
Pro Tip: When practicing fast breaks make sure to change the offensive positioning and spacing. Also change where the ball enters the box. Doing this will create more realistic fast break situations than always doing 4v3’s from midfield/top of box.
Learn how to execute a proper defensive double team here on LaxAllStars.
Watch all of the #FilmBreakdown sessions on our YouTube channel.