Kevin Donahue has been an assistant up at Syracuse for quite a while now, and during his time with The Orange, coach Donahue has seen, and worked with, more than his fair share of excellent lacrosse goalies. Now, thanks to Youtube, you too can learn from one of the best assistant coaches in all of D1 lacrosse.
Obviously goalies will want to watch this, but I’d think shooters would want to watch it as well. Always good to know what the competition is thinking!
Donahue brings up some really interesting points in this video, and some of the keys here are: Keeping top hand “loose”, the advantages of playing with a low dominant hand, and how stepping to the ball has been replaced with a more lateral slide move.
So what do you guys think? Has goaltending really changed that much? Did you learn anything from Coach Donahue’s lesson?
For more on great goaltending, check out Trevor Tierney’s How To Become A Fearless Lacrosse Goalie! It’s a killer perspective on how to be GREAT!