Each winter, scores of frozen lacrosse players head to South Florida for the annual Bump & Grind Tournament, to warm their bones and play some top notch lax. The competition is always extremely solid, and there are usually a bunch of well-known pros in attendance.
In the past, finding great fields to use for game play had been an issue. Some years the fields were close to South Beach and excellent, while other years the fields were located in the middle of nowhere, and far from the beach. This year, the Bump & Grind made a smart move, and they changed the location of the tourney to Ft. Lauderdale, just 30 minutes up the FLA coast from Miami.
The move means better fields and cheaper fields, and it also creates an easy opportunity for the South Florida lacrosse fan base to get out and see some great lacrosse… for free! The majority of the lacrosse action for youth and high school in South Florida is really centered between Ft. Lauderdale and Palm Beach, so hopefully more fans will now make their way over to see some games.
Want to see Anthony Kelly up close and personal? Want to meet Doug Shanahan or Josh Amidon? Head to the B&G and hit these guys up! Young lacrosse fans will be amazed at how approachable these professionals really are.
This year’s tourney will feature some strong teams once again, and we’re looking forward to hearing about how it all goes down. LacrosseWear has a great “home” team, the Brine Kings are back, and The Salt Shakerz are down in attendance, and we should get a tourney recap from them. We’ll also be following the one and only Team Jesse this year, as they play for something so much bigger, than just on the field glory.
Team Jesse will be playing for Major Thomas “TK” Kennedy this year. While Major Kennedy was at West Point, he impacted almost every Cadet and Junior Officers’ life. He was a former Army Hockey Player and Officer Rep for them, and was also very close to almost every D1 team (guys and girls) at the academy.
Everything TK did, he put his all into and took damn good care of his family and soldiers. He died this past August in Kunar, Afghanistan while on a key leader engagement. He was assigned to 4th BDE, 4th ID in Afghanistan and was attached to 1st BDE, 101st when he was killed by two suicide bombers. The insurgents left several dead and numerous wounded. He left behind a wife, a large close knit Irish family, an entire West Point post that mourned his loss for weeks, and one-year-old twins.
Major K was a mentor and friend to everyone that met him, and is truly missed by all.
See Below For A Full Press Release on the Bump & Grind:
Fort Lauderdale, FL – The 25th annual Bump & Grind Lacrosse Tournament will take place this weekend January 25-27 in beautiful South Florida. The 2013 edition of the tournament has moved slightly up the coast of Florida going from Miami to its new home in Fort Lauderdale. Some of the best players in the world will once again make the voyage South to escape the snow and gymnasiums for the amazing beaches and full field lacrosse action. We are excited to announce the addition of the Master’s division this year, giving those who are 35+ the opportunity to compete in the tournament.
The elite division is comprised of 9 highly competitive teams. The defending Champions, “The Brine Kings”, will once again be bringing some of game’s best talent down to Florida with several pro players on the team including Justin Smith, Josh Amidon, and Buggs Combs. “Team Lacrossewear” will attempt to make a run at the title this year with former Tewaaraton winner Doug Shanahan, LXM-Pro star Shamel Bratton, and MLL goalie Stefan Shroder on the roster. “Team Jesse” always brings down a star-studded roster as well as “Sea of Green” who flies down some of the best talent on Long Island. Other teams competing in the Elite division are Global Players, Wavedog Lacrosse, The Pine Cones, Team Bwana, and the infamous Salt Shakerz. As mentioned before, the tournament will also feature a Master’s Division for the first time ever. Teams competing in that division include Team Lacrossewear, Urgo Hotels, The Locals, and The Buzzards.
The 2013 South Florida Bump & Grind Lacrosse Tournament will take place at Mills Pond Park in Fort Lauderdale. Admission to this event is 100% free of charge. We certainly welcome all lacrosse fans from the community to come out and join us for 3 full days of competitive lacrosse.
For more information on the Bump & Grind please visit www.lacrossewear.com .