New Year’s Resolutions usually come and go every 364, or 363 days. Sometimes people can stick with them for a full week, or even a month, but more often than not, the resolutions fall by the wayside when the evident pressures of life return, and the holidays end.
So this year, I’m going to focus on ONE RESOLUTION, and I’m going to make it happen. I figure by focusing on, and hopefully changing, one thing in my life, the impact spreads to other parts of my life, and to other people’s lives.
So what’s my one resolution?
For the last couple of years, I have foregone trips to the gym. I play some wall ball, and I play lacrosse once, maybe twice, a week… but it’s not enough. I need to do more. I need to run, and eat better and beat my body up less. I need to prepare to play lacrosse, and I need to get back a portion of what I used to have.
In the good old days, I loved being on a Summer team with 14 players. It meant I never had to come off the field. Now, if my team doesn’t have 20 guys or more, I get nervous… can I make it through 4 FULL quarters of lacrosse? That is a question I no longer want to ask myself.
I won’t focus on benching big numbers, or squats, or anything like that. But I am going to focus on my legs, and my lungs, and being able to run all day is my true end goal.
It’s time to take the bull by the horns. It’s time to do ONE THING better in 2013. For me it’s getting back into good shape.
What is your ONE RESOLUTION for 2013?