There is nothing quite like a piece of quality equipment or clothing, especially if it’s custom gear. It will last you for years and look better the more you use it. We’ve rounded up a couple of these quality items that you can customize to your liking. Indulge yourself once in a while.
Reebok has their new ZigSlash Basketball shoes and these would be great for working out, playing some ball on the hardcourt and getting a little box lacrosse action in this winter. I would imagine all the big Reebok guys in the NLL this winter will be wearing custom ZigSlash sneakers. $133 worth of sweetness.

ComLax offers custom dyed heads. Is there a better way to stick out on a lacrosse field? The ultimate in custom. Leave the chrome to the pretty boys. Dyeing is forever. The ComLax “Toxic” dye is a good one. And it will match your sneakers.

Finally, if you’re looking to get a throwback jersey for someone as a gift or gag, look no further than Classic Old School. These guys just need a picture of the old uniform and they will go to town and create a high quality recreation. This is so cool. Old school lax jersey, here I come!

Don’t forget to check out for more gear lacrosse players love!