I was a big fan of Jay Jalbert in his playing days at UVA, and I’ve liked the short videos he has produced in the next leg of his career. His new LXM video for Maverik Films is as legit as any before, and special for a couple of reasons:
1) This is the first of many videos. Expect a new video from each LXM stop.
2) The super slow-mo is shot with a RED camera, some of which shoot at 120 frames per second or higher. Some cameras shoot at 600 fps, and this explains why you can see muscle striations in the video. Pretty unreal.
Trust me, watch it in HD:
If this is the kind of stuff we can expect from Maverik joining the LXM, then I’m all for it. They are clearly invested in it, and that’s good to see. Maverik is also using the opportunity well to market themselves. Case in point: those shiny grey Mav bags have me drooling.
Make sure you check out Kevin Rowen’s LXM Preview as well!