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Lake Tahoe Lacrosse Tournament: Aftermath!

The 22nd annual Lake Tahoe Lacrosse Tournament is over, and the Adrenaline Tropicshave defeated Dub C to take the men’s cake. A UC Davis alumni squad took the women’s title over our very own women’s LaxAllStars squad, and we want to congratulate our ladies (and the UC Davis team) on their success!

Josh Rottman of SweetSweetLax fame, balling in Tahoe!

Look for more great photos from Gilda Rottman (Josh’ mom!) and the rest of the LAS crew!

Make sure to check out Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3! Day 2 and Day 3 are both epic adventures, and both posts were updated 4 or 5 times with more photos, video, scores and tall tales.

Hey, almost everyone.

The hordes of tired lacrosse players start leaving Tahoe on Sunday in the early afternoon, but it’s never an all out exodus, as many stay for the rest of the afternoon and hit the lake, or take in the championships at the village green fields.

Craven, taking in the Championships. Duh.
Bigfoot was at Tahoe, as usual! Good times? Good times.

The weather was stellar throughout, and for at least the last three years, Tahoe has been the recipient of fortune from Mother Nature. We’ll be back this week with much more from Tahoe, including lots of game photos and more firsthand accounts. For now, we’ll leave you with the stragglers, photos from the way out, and just a little more Tahoe/Reno hospitality.

Thankfully, there was only one bear attack.
Yes, apparently deer live in small caves
Apparently deer live in small caves. It’s how Jackalopes are made?
Well, that happened.
Rawr. Ok, the Reno airport is officially weird.

We’ll be back soon with more from Tahoe, so lay back, catch your breath and get ready for Monday. Make it magic.