New Orleans has me looking at music in a whole new way. My focus hasn’t been on live music nearly enough as of late, and it’s high time I change that. When I was down in NOLA this past weekend for lacrosse, I also got to spend a good amount of time driving around I’m my brother’s giant, beat up pick up truck, and we listened to R. L. Burnside almost exclusively.
R. L. Burnside is a Mississippi Blues legend, if you’re into that kind of thing. The story goes that he had been playing for ages, recorded some songs and played a bunch of shows. The legend goes that he stopped drinking for the last 5 years of his life, and didn’t pick up a guitar for that entire time. The story is sort of tragic if true, but I guess that’s the Blues for you.
His rough but impressive vocals and guitar work were mixed with more modern rock and electronic music methods and bam, there was a bigger interest in his music. It’s all really quite amazing…
Driving guitar riffs, a great voice and an unmistakable style. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to humbly present R. L. Burnside!
Photo courtesy