Keeping this one short, choppy and sweet. Chock full of lax. This is for all the laxers doing work out there!
Recent WILA Action:
So, the WILA Conference champs were announced this week, and for those itching to know who it was, I will willingly divulge the information: it was the NDNU Argonauts! With a stellar, unbeaten record, the ARGOS take home the inaugural WILA crown.
Congrats go out to both the Argos for winning the WILA, and the whole WILA for completing their first season as a conference. I’m super exited about this conference, as it seems great rivalries are being created and teams are really shaping up.
ALL THE WILA NEEDS now are some SOLID OOC wins. I am looking forward to one of the WILA teams taking down a NE-10 opponent or maybe even a ECC powerhouse in the future.
Never gonna happen you say? A young boy can dream… and dream I shall.
Until next year WILA!
And now, some additional WILA Photos:
DII Lacrosse NCAA Tourney is GROWING:
On another note… Let’s get excited about this DII tournament expansion. EXPANSION you say? Yes DII expansion. Haven’t heard about it? Well now you have – GET PUMPED!
Have you started talking about the Mercy College Mustangs yet?
They bagged another win over the weekend, and are now second in the ECC only to, yup you guessed it, CW Post. Wanna know something crazier? They play Post this Saturday at home. I’m not going to say what I think you guys want me to say, since I don’t want to jinx the mustangs here… BUT, what I will say is this is going to be a very interesting game. I think you know who I will be rooting for. GO STANGS!!!
LaxPlayground showed of the Mercy College mobile hand protective units in January. Not the fanciest or the freshest, but as my CEO says, FUNCTIONALITY over looks. Mercy seems to have the functionality part down to a T.
They’ve been doing highlights for all of the Pioneer home games. Cheers, mates! CW POST Vs. Lake Erie
High School Cali Lax:
Another Dime piece from Westsidelax!
Little Wednesday Music sesh: