Think back about all the performances you witnessed over the weekend – a team winning a big game, an individual player having a HUGE day, or a coach winning an historic game – and nominate them in the comments section as your Adrenaline Performance Of The Week. Make sure to tell us WHY you picked them! It can be a HS, college or even Pro player, team or coach. Or even a mascot! If they do something great!
The LAS Reader with the winning comment (and the all important LAS seal of approval!) gets a free pair of GREY Adrenaline Rasta Socks that you can’t buy in stores. You have to know people to get these… and you know us!
Here’s an example of what a nomination might look like:
I’m nominating Ryan Compitello of Hartford for his 3 goal, 2 assist effort in the Hawks win, which secured them their first American East Chanpionship and NCAA bid. Compitello also scored the game winner as he got laid out in the final seconds of the game. Fantastic effort from the Happaugue boy back on the Island. To top it off, his older brother, Tom Compitello plays for Stony Brook. Must have been tough for the parents!
IMPORTANT: The comment with the most likes, replies (and that gets the all-important LAS stamp of approval!) will be declared the winner! This is a weekly recurring series here at LAS, so this won’t be your last chance to win free custom socks from Adrenaline! Now, nominate away!
Last week’s winner is Emmett Faricy for his nomination of Dominican University’s team for their win over NDNU. West Coast lax, growing the game, and a good rivalry brewing. Good call, readers!