Our first set of Old School photos is so vintage it will make the inner lax-head in you drool just a bit.
This Boston Blazers M1 Brine Lacrosse Head was sent in by Ryan Hoffmeister of Cascade Sports. A little fading has set in but you can clearly see that this stick fits in with the Blazers color scheme of black, orange, white, and green.
Thanks for sharing Ryan. Always great to hear from a Blazers fan from the old days.
And don’t look now but we have a bonus picture coming your way. Submitter Daniel Seltzer gets Old School while developing the sport in Buenos Aires.
“(This picture) was taken near 2008 when I started playing lacrosse in Argentina…We played in a jai alai court, with roller hockey goals.”
GTG on a jai alai court and showing off the bucket helmet. Nothing better than that in our opinion. Thanks Daniel.
Plus did you know that jai alai balls can travel to speeds upwards of 170 mph, that some people call it the “fastest spectator sport”, and that left handed players aren’t allowed to play?
Learn some more about jai alai in this informative documentary.
[fvplayer src=”https://youtube.com/watch?v=Bo4L83VQjPM” splash=”https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Bo4L83VQjPM/hqdefault.jpg” caption=”Jai-alai Documentary A Must See”]
Go clean out the attic and relive your glory days. Submit your Old School photos and stories to info@lacrosseallstars.com.