Editor’s note: Welcome to another great installment of “Spotted”. With your help, we hope to shine a light on lacrosse spotted in unexpected places, whether it be on TV or in real life. If you find any aspect of lacrosse in a place you didn’t expect it, we would love to hear from you. Take a quick photo or video and email it to info@lacrosseallstars.com.
Did you know actor Steve Carell played lacrosse in high school? Neither did we! Carell was recently on an episode of Conan and was caught reminiscing in his high school days when he played lacrosse… and had a mustache! Thanks to Travis Holland for sending this one over.
What a guy! Carell talked about his high school mustache (don’t miss out on the amazing yearbook picture above). He said he grew it to be intimidating while playing lacrosse, because nobody wants to go against a guy with a mustache.
For more lacrosse spottings, check out our full archive of ‘Spotted’ posts.
Did you spot lacrosse somewhere unexpected? Email your spottings to info@lacrosseallstars.com!