Is Lacrosse Expensive?

A new player would have to spend over $600 to play this game; and that doesn’t include footwear, a backup stick, team fees, travel, etc. Those of us who are fortunate enough to be able to afford all the equipment should really put this game in perspective.

Niche Sports And Life On The Fringe?

Like many other people passionate about the growth of lacrosse, I’m axiously waiting for the next school to make the jump and add a Men’s Lacrosse program on the NCAA level.  The widespread growth of lacrosse up and down the West has become prime recruiting grounds for top East Coast lacrosse programs.  The National Championship […]

Will Lacrosse Be Checked By Economy?

As a product of the MCLA, I am no stranger to the idea of team dues.  However this article seems to suggest that the idea of paying to play is foreign to many families.  That got me thinking about the potential ways our country’s current economic crisis could negatively affect the game of lacrosse.  After the jump are a few scenarios I’ve considered.  However, just so this article doesn’t become a major downer, I’ve also added a glass half full approach to each: