New Balance Headlines My Personal Style Guide

If you see me in public, you’ll probably catch me in New Balance or Lululemon. I try to dress somewhat respectable. I’m not walking the streets in a suit and tie, but I don’t like going around in a ripped-up hoodie and jeans, either. I like to strike a happy medium, which means I often […]

My Cousin Stole My Style

Tyson Bell shares his style guide, which is similar to his cousin's, Latrell Harris. But his little cousin copied him, and you should know.

My cousin, Latrell Harris, shared his style guide with Lax All Stars recently, and we dress pretty similarly. I guess the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. I would like the record to show that he copies me, though, not the other way around. I’m older; I did it first. The most important […]