Latrell Harris Survived Racism in Sports

Latrell Harris experienced racial abuse as a kid, especially in hockey. Still, he remains in sports, a survivor of racism in athletics.

Before Latrell Harris was a professional lacrosse player, he had hockey on his mind. Harris played the sport it seems every Canadian tries, and he was even drafted in the OHL. As a teen, he chose to pursue the box after the ice melted, but for years, hockey was an important focus for the athlete. […]

Thank You, Mum – How I Made It

Latrell Harris wrote a letter explaining how his mum helped him make it, thanking her for all she's done for him and his siblings.

I was raised by a single mother as one of three. Myself and my sisters were all athletes. Often, we would have games in different cities on the same day. My mum made 99 percent of them. And we always had a roof to return to after. It’s expensive to have a child. It’s very […]