Grow the Game®

New Hybrid Pocket: Traditional Thursday


I came up with a new hybrid pocket (or at least what I think is a new hybrid pocket) by combining different elements from a couple traditional variations.

How To Recycle Old Leathers

How To Recycle Old Leathers6

There is a simple way to recycle old leathers! As long as the leather isn’t totally trashed, it can work wonders and give you a perfect pocket.

Oops, I Ran Out Of Crosslace


Sometimes you string 90% of a beautiful traditional, then right at the end you say, “Oops, I ran out of crosslace,” and can’t finish the stick. That is a problem no longer!

Tips For Stringing A Transferable Traditional

transferable traditional lacrosse_pocket

Want to string a transferable traditional pocket in your lacrosse stick? Here are some tips and tricks you can use to make that happen. A transferable traditional pocket, when done right, is excellent for a couple of reasons. 1) It’s a good traditional pocket. 2) You can add just a little more color to your stick. And […]

Traditional Thursday: Stringing Twin Pockets


Stringing twin pockets can be a simple task if you’re using two of the exact same head. If you’re using two different heads, and you want to have the same pocket in both heads, you will need to think out the process a little bit and then try your best to string the same pocket in both plastic heads.

Double Traditional Tutorial

Double Traditional Tutorial Lacrosse Stringing

Welcome to the Double Traditional Tutorial! This week’s #TraditionalThursday demonstrates how to string the Double Traditional pocket and offers up some tips and tricks to make it easy. If you can string a single string traditional, you can string a double traditional… it’s time to get to work!