The Grow The Game Tour is definitely a GO!, but in order to hit up ALL SIX growing lacrosse communities, we still need YOUR help! In a little less than 2 days, we need to raise just under $2,000 to meet our funding goal of $12,000. Your help has been amazing so far, and the desire to help us Grow The Game has been inspiring. To those that have given already, we are eternally grateful!
If you haven’t donated yet, we’re asking you to get involved NOW, no matter what the amount. $25, $10… even ONE dollar… it all goes a long way towards making the trip happen, and towards seeing our game grow in a positive and sustainable way.
If LAS has talked about you, or your team, or your area we are asking you to donate $1 to the cause, and to share it with your friends. If everyone chips in 100 pennies, we’ll hit our goal in no time! It’s FINAL PUSH for the Grow The Game Tour… Help us make it happen to the FULLEST!