Editor’s Note: Welcome back to Tuesday Tie Up from Epoch Lacrosse! Each week, we feature a guest lacrosse personality to help you see how the big guns string their heads. You’re sure to learn a thing or two, so pay attention! This week we’ll take a look at our favorite from the year!
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This week, I’m taking over Tie Up Tuesday to force my opinions upon you all. I’m picking my Top 5 #EpochTieUp episodes so far from 2015.
Without further ado, let’s get it…
#5 Connor Wilson – LaxAllStars.com
I might be a little bias, but there’s no way this pocket couldn’t end up in the Top 5. Actually, it’s my #1, but I’ll rank it at the bottom of the list because of my ties to the stringer.
The Hawk-it Pocket is one of my absolute favorites, I’ve personally replicated it probably close to 10 times or more. Well done, sir, well done.
#4 Chris Deal – Universal Lacrosse
Crowds earn points. Dealy was built a little audience at the 2015 NCAA Championships where Epoch filmed his Tie Up on location.
I’ll look past the fact he tied his fresh new Hawk up with mesh, because rocking out a traditional in a crowd like that would be a pain in the tuchus.
#3 Tony Libera – Wheaties
It’s freakin’ Wheaties, the breakfast of champs! You get a sweet tour of General Mills HQ with a ton of behind the scenes peeks at things around the Wheaties office.
It was fun and unique episode, so I was able to once again look past the mesh. It also got me mad hungry for some sugary cereals.
#2 Joe Williams – Throne of String
Gotta give it to the mad man, homie can work a crowd. The Throne booth was constantly flooded at #LaxCon and it was all because of this guy.
I had to plug Joe in at the #2 spot because of his ability to work a crowd of youngsters while knocking out a tasty bag for a live on the scene Tie Up. It was hard to put a mesh pocket so high up on the list, but the crowd factor won me over.
#1 Tim Roche – Salty Strings
Technically, Tim Roche and his Salty Strings pockets were featured in 3 separate Tie Up Tuesday episodes this year, and from his craftsmanship, you can see why!
Tim’s attention to detail, incredibly intricate pockets and ability to break outside of the mold is what earned him my #1 spot in the Top 5. I can spend hours staring at his pockets and still find something new or interesting every time!
The Paracord Pocket, The Eagle’s Nest and the 9 Diamond Fisher Pocket all deserve your time and attention. Spend today ogling Tim’s work, the man is a true artist.