Pocket 34 Revisited… Again

It’s been a little while since my last crack at the Pocket 34 so here’s an update: I still don’t have it, but I’m close!

Pocket 34 Revisited

Connor takes a shot at stringing up a Pocket 34-inspired contraption. Check it!

Anthony Kelly’s Stringing Advice Part 2

Anthony Kelly of the MLL Machine and STX dropped some hot string job photos on us earlier this week and now he’s back with a more detailed explanation of the process. Take it away, A-Train!

Anthony Kelly: This Is How You String!

Check out how Anthony Kelly (Ohio State) of the MLL Machine shows off his stringing style with a fresh new STX wand. Also check out A-Train’s ridiculous college flow… wowzas!

String And Re-String Towards Perfection

Sometimes you string up a sweet wand and then play in the mud and it gets ruined. If you’re willing to put in the extra effort, it doesn’t have to end that way. Never give up; never surrender. To top things off, we have links to the Iroquois Roster and video from the US Team vs. The Philly All Stars.