On Monday afternoon, I hopped on the subway and took the train from Brooklyn to Harlem, to help Connor Martin put on a lacrosse clinic at the Sojourner Truth school on W 117th Street, through Harlem Lacrosse & Leadership. We used a 20 ft wide by 50 foot long piece of turf to teach the basics, and then went into 3-on-2s, focusing on passing, finishing with fakes (over pure power), and splitting offensive off-ball players when on defense. At the end of the clinic, each kid got a free pair of Flow Society shorts. Not bad at all!
So how does traditional figure in here? Well, the second I stepped outside, one kid grabbed my traditional stick, stared at it for a little while, and then ran off and used it for the rest of the clinic. Princston was hooked. Robert Garrison, from FDA HS, also loved the traditional, and on my way out I agreed to string sticks up for both of these guys.
Robert gave me a Reebok 10K to string up, and Princston asked me to restring his Gait Fuel head. I had never strung traditional in either of these heads before, so that was an added bonus. I always like trying new stuff!
Robert got a 5-diamond traditional with brown leathers, and Princston got a 6-diamond traditional with white leathers, and some colorful shooters. Once these sticks break in, they should be perfect!
Check out the #TraditionalThursdays Archives for more great work with lace and leather.