Wandering The Woods And Pondering Baggataway

I spent this weekend getting in touch with my inner native Oregonian and what better way than to go hiking in the gorge.  While taking in the incredible scenery at Loowit Falls, I was struck by the notion that I was undoubtedly treading some of the same ground that many legitimate Oregon natives had tread before me.  As I wound down the bush-whacked trail with over-sensitive bare feet, another notion hit me: Baggataway must have been brutal! 

Just Another Brick In The Wall

Good day lax enthusiasts! I wanna start today with a question…OK, a statement AND a question. What is the #1 drill in lacrosse? I’ll give you a hint – anyone who doesn’t know needs to go hit it hard for a couple hours, a couple days a week. That’s right… the all powerful wall.