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Indigenous Peoples' Day Honored Online by Lacrosse Community
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Indigenous Peoples’ Day Honored Online by Lacrosse Community

On Monday, October 12, 2020, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, the lacrosse community took to social media to show support for the Haudenosaunee, the game’s creators, and all Indigenous Peoples of North America. Accounts from different corners of the lacrosse space dropped in to share stories, provide education or to simply show solidarity with the First Nations.

While rooted in an international conference on discrimination in 1976, Indigenous Peoples’ Day is still a growing movement and only fourteen states observe the holiday: Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont and Wisconsin – along with the District of Columbia. Over 130 American cities observe Indigenous Peoples Day instead of, or in addition to, Columbus Day. 

Adding to a growing public awareness is the least the community can do to honor the original inhabitants of North America. From governing bodies to pro teams to game growers and beyond, lacrosse lovers contributed to the ongoing effort to educate the world on groups of people that have been repeatedly silenced time again, to lift their voice and share their stories.  

The pandemic put a halt to many live demonstrations, events and celebrations in 2020 typically held on the annual holiday, but that just created an adjustment for folks to use their online resources to continue supporting the cause. 

Here are just some of the posts we found that continued the conversation. This is far from the complete picture of the community’s support for Indigenous Peoples’ Day,

The pro leagues also showed their support…

… as did the pro teams and senior clubs too.