Editor’s note: Welcome Josh Rottman back to the Lax Network! Josh has something to say about stringing materials and pocket consistency so if you’re learning how to string or just want to get better, you need to keep reading.
Even the stick doctors in the house have their “gamer”, that one head strung to such perfection that it simply could not be replaced in earnest. Part stringing know-how and wherewithal, part placebo effect, this head brings you the type of unbridled confidence that can only be matched by the crispiest of flow.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been trying to string that replacement. I recently came into a bunch of Evo Pro X6 heads (my weapon of choice) and have been trying to replicate how my gamer throws, shoots, and cradles. Replicating my pocket is easy, I’ve been doing it for years. The P34 is like a scientific formula, its the same every time, adjusting only for human error. However, as you’ll find out if you haven’t already, there is a great deal of inconsistency in stringing materials.
Since winter break, I have strung three sticks for myself in exactly the same manner as my gamer, one of which was featured on Sweet Sweet Lax. Despite how perfect they looked, all three had too much bag right under the shooters and whipped too damn hard…