Powell Lacrosse’s ‘Dye It & String It’ Challenge
Quick Info About The ‘Dye It & String It’ Challenge
Can you spot one of the LaxAllStars crew members in one of those videos?
So, How Do I Enter To Win For This Powell Lacrosse Contest?
Here’s The Fine Print
1. Purchase the ‘Dye It & String It’ kit on or before April 1st, 2020
2. First, Dye It & String It and then post it to Instagram!
Must be posted on or before April 14th, 2020.
@powelllacrosse must be tagged.
Must use the hashtag #DyeItStringIt.
Providing a few photos from different angles is encouraged!
3. Winners
We will select winners and post one winner every day from April 15th – April 30th (16 total winners will be chosen).
Everything that you do will get judged for the “Dye It & String It” contest so please post completed heads.
Casey and Ryan
Powell will be the only two judges for this contest, so if you don’t win take it up with them. :) -
Winners selected will receive a brand new custom lacrosse stick!