Calling ALL Italian Laxers!

Italian Italy Lacrosse fortunato

The Italian American Lacrosse Club is looking for players! Got some Italian in you? Well then this could be the club for you. Travel, lax, Italy. TLT. Get to it!

International Lacrosse: Iroquois Nationals Video

Iroquois Nation Lacrosse

The International Lacrosse bandwagon keeps rolling along! This time we have a great video talking about what the game of lacrosse means to the Native American culture and identity. A top notch video for sure!!

International Lacrosse: Grow the Game

Welcome Godzilla for a quick hitter on International Lacrosse. While he talks about the world games, Godzilla’s main focus is on the new emerging Asian Lacrosse market and how lacrosse companies can do more to get involed with Growing The Game.