Hot Pot of Lax: But The Game Was Over…

Calm Down MJ

With Connor off laxing in Prague, Krieg Shaw takes over the ‘Hot Pot of Lax’ to touch on an issue that occurs in lacrosse all too often: disrespecting the officials.

Instant Replay in NCAA Lacrosse?

On September 3rd, the NCAA announced its intention to experiment with instant replay during televised lacrosse games in the spring of 2010. Is the game of lacrosse conducive to this kind of technology?

Recruiting Officials: A Shakespearean Tragedy?

It almost feels like a Shakespearian tragedy. If you do your job well, nobody even realizes you were there. Officials generally don’t become well known around a league unless they make a call egregious enough to burn their image into a player or coach’s mind. The pay can be minimal and the glory hard to come by. So how do we entice more qualified individuals to sign up?