PLL vs MLL Champions Comparison: 2019 Whipsnakes vs 2005 Bayhawks

PLL vs MLL 2005 Bayhawks vs 2019 Whipsnakes

Once the PLL was created, we knew there would be constant comparisons to its predecessor, MLL. From production to delivery, everything was put under a microscope and dissected. These PLL vs MLL comparisons got me thinking: what if we compare a past championship squad from the PLL against a past MLL title team? PLL vs […]

Stevenson Lands a HUGE Australian Recruit

Aussielax Callum Robinson

Stevenson has pulled in an older recruit from Australia on an academic scholarship, and we get the feeling Callum Robinson could be a game changer. The Australians are coming!

Paul Cantabene Interview

Swanklax is back with more DIII NCAA Lax knowledge. He breaks down the teams that are on the edge but still have a shot at the NCAA tourney and has a short but awesome interview with Paul Cantabene, the head coach at Stevenson University.