Attack Cancer is HEADstrong’s national campaign geared towards youth and high school student athletes. Through the campaign, HEADstrong is empowering student athletes to use their performance on the field to make an impact off the field. Players can pledge their statistics such as goals or assists, a game, a week, or the entire season, which most choose to do.
Attack Cancer is a fun and interactive way for athletes to have an impact and make their performance count on and off the field. Athletes from all sports around the country are pledging their performance this season to assist the HEADstrong Foundation and families affected by cancer.
There are currently 1388 student athletes from across the country participating. These athletes have raised approximately $225,000 to date in 2023.
Ties to Lacrosse
Attack Cancer has deep ties to the lacrosse community. Its director, Ken Clausen, was a 2010 graduate of the University of Virginia where he was a four-time All-American, including three First Team selections. In his senior season, he won the Schmeisser Cup as the top defenseman and was a finalist for the Tewaaraton Award. The 5th overall selection in the 2010 Major League Lacrosse draft by the Denver Outlaws, Clausen spent six seasons in the MLL, capturing a title with the Outlaws in 2014.
In his role, Clausen oversees the Attack Cancer fundraising campaign as a member of the community engagement department as well as Team Attack Cancer, HEADstrong’s set of experiential teams that participate in events throughout the country. Experiential team means that the group of individuals will come together for one time to compete and raise money for the foundation. It is not a club team. The age for these teams ranges from rising high school seniors (preferably committed) and adult age teams (college, masters, grand masters, etc).
Team Attack Cancer
One of the Team Attack Cancer experiential teams is headed to Lake Placid next weekend to play for those affected by cancer. To date the Lake Placid team has raised over $30,000 with a goal to raise $40,000. If you would like to help the team reach their goals, visit this link. The Placid team is made up of top high school players committed to the following programs: Penn State, Maryland, Colgate, Duke, Georgetown, Villanova, Syracuse, Johns Hopkins, Notre Dame, Michigan, UVA, and Drexel. These talented players are coming together to bring awareness to this amazing cause.
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