Field lacrosse and box lacrosse require different tools, and one of these tools is your stick. In this quick read, I aim to identify several key traits needed in putting together a good box lacrosse stick based on my experience and popular trends around the box world.
What makes a good box Lacrosse stick?
The Head
In the field game, many people will opt for different weights and strengths when looking for a head tailored to their position. In the box game, the idea of using a super lightweight head is a bit riskier. From the beefy checks coming from the defender staring you down to the game-changing takeaway check, you need durability in the box game.
We all remember the legendary Gait Torque. The box game loved it. While it wasn’t the lightest or most streamline, it was durable and held up to what the game demanded. Consider a stronger head with some serious durability when looking for your next box wand.
Have you ever seen those beautiful box heads pinched to perfection? We all have. They are things of beauty. The higher the flare, the better the box head. This high flare and greater pinch will lead to a smoother release when tossing your next assist. Whether you choose to pinch your box head more or not, just remember you don’t have to worry about the same rules for heads in the field game. Find a head or pinch that works for you and your release. Get creative. Find your style!
The Handle
Durability and strength in handles are beyond key when putting together a good box lacrosse stick. Ultra-lightweight shafts without much strength just won’t cut it in the box game. Strength in a handle is needed for everything from laying a cross check to taking a strong check while cutting to the cage.
My suggestion would be to look for something a bit heavier than what you would use in the field game; something that feels like you have Hulk-type strength to lay a check when you pick it up. Jokes aside, the stronger the handle, the better. I use a 180g shaft myself. While it’s surely a bit heavier, it doesn’t cave to checks and keeps me in the game. Whatever you decide on, I urge you to opt for strength over light-weight glamor.
The Stringing
Now, I will be the first to say a stick should be strung to the players’ preference. Everyone plays with their own style. However, keep a few ideas in mind when stringing up your next stick.
Many players, including myself, prefer a “baggier” pocket while playing box. This allows the pocket to shift all around based on the ball and release quicker. Smooth and quick are key in the box game. While speed is still great, a well-placed quick shot goes a long way in the box game. This same idea carries over to those who use three-plus shooting strings. This allows for a lot of feel in the pocket and a quicker precise release. Think quick and smooth with added feel when stringing up your next box pocket.