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Why a True Lacrosse Video Game May Never Exist

Lacrosse fans have, for generations, wanted a quality video game dedicated to replicating the action and intricacies of their favorite sport. In reality, that may never happen. There are several significant kinks in the video game development process that make creating a legitimate lacrosse video game almost impossible. I am aware of the Casey Powell video games released years ago. However, I do not consider that game a “quality” product compared to other major sports titles, even though I do appreciate the Casey Powell titles immensely.

First and foremost, the cost required to finance a high-quality video game is astronomical. To successfully develop a good sports game with the presence of Madden and FIFA, one would need to spend a lot on its development. This would involve experienced developers, licensees, detailed graphics, and game plays—very capital-intensive. The return on investment remains very uncertain for lacrosse compared to football and soccer. So, who would even invest these sorts of funds into a risky project like this?

Believe it or not, developing any video game is not easy. Intricate coding, realistic physics engines, and lifelike animations require many resources. Capturing lacrosse’s fast-paced and ever-changing aspects alone could add another level of difficulty. This burden would be put on the developers to ensure that the game truly captures the pivotal parts of the sport. The game would have the movement of FIFA while having similar animations to NBA2k, a daunting duo of mechanics to develop.

The small demographic is another huge challenge in creating a lacrosse video game. Sports with huge followings worldwide have vast consumer bases compared to lacrosse. That significantly constrains the potential market, making it a dicey business for developers and publishers. Even if there is a highly devoted fan base, the numbers do not justify heavy development costs. In order for a quality lacrosse video game to get made, there has to be a return on investment, which there just isn’t in 2024.

Also, it’s a matter of whether the game should portray field lacrosse, box lacrosse, or both. Each version has different rules, style of play, and fan-favorite attributes. It would be tough to please both sets while achieving overall quality in developing a game. Don’t even get me started on the many different levels of play between college and the pros.

Marketing and distribution would involve another level of challenge. Breaking into the market, let alone standing out from the crowd, is difficult when Madden, FIFA, and NBA2K are already set as dominant sports games within the market. Previously established titles already have huge followings and substantial marketing budgets, spawning stiffer competition for a new lacrosse game. In order for the game to succeed, it would have to branch outside of just the lacrosse community, which I do not see happenting.

But despite all this, lacrosse fans continue to clamor for a video game. To its credit, the sport has a rich history and modern popularization, especially in North America. Still, with the cost of development so high and the market size relatively small, combined with the technical challenges that must be overcome to translate the sport into video game form faithfully, we probably will never get a legitimate video game.

Although a video game based on lacrosse may be an exciting thought, we will not see a real one soon because the financial benefits against the potential economic risks entailed development problems coupled with a limited market. Therefore, lacrosse fans shall continue enjoying the sporting action on the field, not on screen.