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Irish People Watch Lacrosse For The First Time

This was just the video I needed to start my day off right. Watching Irish people watch lacrosse for the first time along with some great highlights from Maryland versus Carolina is always going to peak my interests.

This video is entertaining from the beginning. The Irish accents along with the humorous comments make for nothing but great comedy… and now I wish lacrosse was on horses.

A couple of couples in the video comment on the number of people in attendance compared to the amount of players that are on each roster. We know we can’t always fill the stadium, but it doesn’t matter cause we get to play the game we love!

One of my favorite parts of the video is when one of the guys comments that for baseball you need some beers because it’s so boring, but when you watch lacrosse you have to pay attention or you could miss an exciting moment. He’s right, baseball is incredibly boring.

It’s not like there isn’t lacrosse in Ireland (good lacrosse, actually). The Irish have competed internationally for years, as recently as the WILC 2015 in September. It looks like Ireland, like the rest of the world, has some work to do to include lacrosse in the mainstream.