I watched a great NFL Championship Game last night and ate wings and chilli dogs just like 95.4 Million other red blooded Americans. Similar to last year’s classic game there were ups and downs for both teams; we saw… Terrible Towlels, Rod Tidwell, Brenda Warner’s foxy new haircut, and Mike Tomlin proving that he was the right choice for Head Coach of the Steelers.
I would’ve been happy if the Steelers won until I saw this abomination to everything good and right:
[fvplayer src=”https://youtube.com/watch?v=nG9GXtr9rpY”]
The refs made a ton of terrible calls last night but this penalty on #92 James Harrison was completely justified. Harrison was engaging in 2nd degree assault on some poor Cardinal special teams player.
Harrison won the Defensive MVP of the NFL this year and, surprisingly enough, has had some anger management issues in the past:
[fvplayer src=”https://youtube.com/watch?v=-Am7QJ0Zoto”]
Yet another example of why #92 and his shenanigans are EXACTLY what the NFL doesn’t need right now. With the success of this years edition of the Arizona Cardinals Football Club, it’s nice to know that nice guys don’t always finish last. Sometimes they just finish second.
Editor’s note: Agree with Jumbo Jack? Some of us at LAS are ecstatic over the Steelers big win. It’s always nice when a Duck gets a ring. Let us know your thoughts on the game in the COMMENTS.