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A Dual Force: Nikolay Cholakov and Tucker LaBelle Driving Lacrosse in Bulgaria

In the world of Bulgarian sports dominated by soccer, lacrosse is emerging as a promising contender, thanks to the relentless efforts of two pivotal figures: Nikolay Cholakov, the president of the Bulgarian Lacrosse Federation, and Tucker LaBelle, the newly appointed head coach of the national team. Together, they are not just introducing Bulgarians to lacrosse but are setting the foundations for a robust future in the sport.

Nikolay Cholakov: The Architect of Bulgarian Lacrosse

Since founding the Bulgarian Lacrosse Federation in 2007, Nikolay Cholakov has been the bedrock of the sport’s development in a country where finding field space is a challenge that often relegates lacrosse activities to late Saturday nights. Despite these challenges, Cholakov’s vision and perseverance have seen the sport grow from a mere curiosity to an established athletic endeavor with four men’s teams actively participating and competing.

The recognition of lacrosse by the Bulgarian Olympic Committee, a recent victory under Cholakov’s leadership, promises to be a game-changer. After the current Olympic cycle, it is expected that funding will be established for the Bulgarian Lacrosse Federation.  “This recognition will usher in government support which will significantly enhance our ability to hire coaches, secure practice spaces, and compete internationally,” Cholakov explains. This support is crucial for taking Bulgarian lacrosse from grassroots efforts to a national and international stage.

Tucker LaBelle: The Catalyst for Competitive Excellence

While Nikolay Cholakov has set the stage, Tucker LaBelle is poised to revolutionize how Bulgarian lacrosse competes globally. LaBelle, an American coach known for his forward-thinking coaching style, was handpicked for his unique approach to the game that emphasizes physicality, skill development, and a profound sense of national pride. “In Europe, many countries plateau early in their lacrosse development, but Bulgaria has the potential to leapfrog this trend,” LaBelle states.

His strategy focuses on nurturing homegrown talent and ensuring the national team remains strictly Bulgarian, eschewing the common practice of bolstering teams with heritage players from other countries. This approach not only enhances the skill levels within Bulgaria but also ensures that the team truly represents Bulgarian spirit and resilience.

The Synergy of Strategy and Vision

The collaboration between Cholakov and LaBelle represents a perfect amalgamation of foundational leadership and innovative coaching. Cholakov’s groundwork and administrative acumen have built the infrastructure necessary for lacrosse to flourish, while LaBelle’s fresh coaching tactics promise to elevate the national team to compete admirably on the European and world stages.

Community and International Support

Both leaders agree that international support in the form of equipment donations is critical. “Access to equipment is our biggest barrier. With enough gear, we could immediately double our player base,” says Cholakov. The partnership with Ryan Powell’s Powell Lacrosse, which includes a partnership for discounted uniforms and sticks, exemplifies the kind of support that can propel Bulgarian lacrosse forward.

Looking Ahead

The future of lacrosse in Bulgaria looks promising with these two at the helm. Plans to establish a Balkans league and expand the player base through national clinics and leagues are underway. Cholakov and LaBelle are not just focused on building competitive teams but are also keen on embedding lacrosse into the cultural fabric of Bulgaria.

As Bulgaria stands on the precipice of a lacrosse revolution, it is the combined forces of Nikolay Cholakov’s enduring vision and Tucker LaBelle’s innovative coaching that will define the next era of Bulgarian lacrosse, promising to bring the thrill of the sport to new heights and new audiences.

Follow Along

If you’re interested in keeping up with Bulgaria Lacrosse, check out the Bulgarian Lacrosse Federation on Facebook, or follow Coach Tucker LaBelle on X @CoachTLabelle. Stay tuned as Coach LaBelle will soon be announcing the rest of his coaching staff. Those interested in donating equipment can email