On what should have been a day of raucous lacrosse celebration in Boston, a sad announcement was made; the Boston Blazers are temporarily suspending operations for the 2012 NLL season. They claim they’re working on a new arrangement that will allow them to resume operations in 2013.
Basically, they need a new arena to play in. With the Garden playing host to the Bruins and Celtics, and lots of other events, it’s clear it just wasn’t working out. Either the Garden didn’t have the time, or the rent was too damn high. So no matter how many people say that the Blazers are folding on Twitter, they aren’t. At least not yet. We’re truly hoping they can find a great place to play, and call home, in the Boston area, and that the NLL continues to expand and improve. But at the same time, we’re not holding our breath.
View “Lacrosse Fans React to Boston Blazers Announcement” on Storify
Boston just seemed like a slam dunk for the NLL on American soil. There is a massive economic issue at play here, but still, Boston loves its lax these days. It’s a shame that it didn’t work out.
We’re curious what city and ownership group will be the next for expansion. And where exactly the Blazers will play in 2013… Got any thoughts on this?
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