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Top Lacrosse Heads: See What the LAS Team Ranks as the Top Men’s Lacrosse Heads of All-Time

It would be safe to say that lacrosse heads have changed a little bit over the years.


Need we say more? From the beginning of wooden sticks to the development of the plastic head and beyond, lacrosse has seen some changes to the game and especially the equipment. We at LaxAllStars have put our ‘heads’ together and have come up with our top-10 list of all-time greatest heads.

For simplicity sake, we are narrowing down this list to lacrosse heads in the post-wooden era. We are going completely plastic.

Monumental lacrosse heads on this list include one of the first plastic heads ever created, the PL77. That head hearkens back all the way to the 1970’s. The Laser Hi-Wall also makes an appearance on the list. For the FOGO’s out there, the Warrior Blade made our cut as well, due to the fact that was the head of choice for so many faceoff men for so long.

The classic offset heads in the Brine Edge and STX Proton were used by the majority of college players for quite some time. Staying on the topic of Brine heads, the Magic series including the MD, MX and M1 greatly contributed to mainstreaming the idea of position-centric heads and designing heads for particular pockets.

Keep reading for our full list. We’ve listed the name of the head, its price upon being released, what it’s selling for now and the year it came out.

Agree or disagree with us? Share in the comments, or tweet at @LaxAllStars using the hashtag #toplacrosseheads. So, in no particular order, here are our top-10 lacrosse heads of all-time.

Top Lacrosse Heads

PL77 Brine lacrosse
Google Screenshot

Brine PL77

Year(s) released: Early 1970s

Current value: $69.99 (Ebay)

Why it’s on our list: This was one of the first plastic heads that started it all. Hard to argue with that! This was originally designed for defensemen and came after the PL66, which was a head built specifically for midfielders and attackmen.

Warrior Revolution

Year(s) released: 

Current value: $35.00 for a full stick (Ebayshot)

Why it’s on our list: The Revolution is one of, if not the first, offset lacrosse heads that Warrior came out with. This was a big deal back in the day, and it also had a more pinched shape to the head than many of its competitors. It gradually morphed into a defensive head, as others on this list have as well. See more on LAS here.

Brine MD
LAS Image

Brine Magic Series (MD, MX, M1)

Year(s) released: Early 1990s

Current value: Around $20 (Brine M1, The Sports Outfit)

Why it’s on our list: The Brine Magic Series were among the first heads to mainstream the idea of position specific heads and heads designed tailored to specific pocket styles. The specialization has only continued, and plastic heads now are finely crafted to meet the individual needs of each player’s position. Definitely a game-changer!


STX Proton

stx proton OG

Year(s) released: Around 1997

Current value: Around $25.00 (Sideline Swap)

Why it’s on our list:

For so many years this head and later models were what were used solely by a vast majority of collegiate players. It was among the early heads to use offset technology, which ultimately led to the stoppage of its production, according to

Brine Edge

Year(s) released: Mid-1990s

Current value: 

Why it’s on our list:  This was the original head to use offset technology, effectively revolutionizing how plastic heads would work for years to come. Bill Brine, whose family founded what is now the company called after his last name, had seen Gary and Paul Gait using slightly-bent lacrosse shafts and an idea was born. Read more on how Brine created the first offset head on InsideLacrosse by clicking here.

STX Laser Hi-Wall

Year(s) released: 1980s

Current value: Estimated around three for $100.00 on Ebay (based on STX Hi-Wall prices)

Why it’s on our list: A classic, non-offset head. Time for a few fun facts about this head. Originally, it had a ‘doweled’ shaft insertion area, meaning it could only screw into circular shafts. None of the octagonal shafts would work. The Laser Hi-Wall eventually morphed into just the Hi-Wall, which allowed for the use of octagonal shafts. It was popular for a large part of the 1980s, and some collegiate players even used it into the 1990s, according to LaxAllStars.

STX Eclipse

english stringing lacrosse eclipse stx
LAS Photo

Year(s) released: Late 1990s/Early 2000s

Current value: $74.99 (SportStop)

Why it’s on our list: We’ve got to give the goalies some love on this list. The STX Eclipse was what I believe to be the first plastic offset goalie head to be released. As a user of this head during my playing days, I can attest to the fact that it was incredibly light for the time and helped make outlet passes easier. It seemed it was always competing with the Warrior Nemesis, but when push came to shove, the Eclipse was my head of choice. Fitting for the best-selling goalie head ever made, according to

gait wizard

Gait Wizard

Year(s) released: 1990s

Current value: $59.90 (

Why it’s on our list: For a long time, this was one of the most iconic defensive heads that was the gold standard for long poles. They were incredibly popular, and once they stopped selling them they became as hot of a commodity as a pair of Jim Brown’s used cleats. Definitely deserves a spot on our list.

warrior blade

Warrior Blade

Year(s) released: 2001

Current value: $47.98 (Lacrosse Monkey)

Why it’s on our list: This was arguably one of the top faceoff heads and is definitely one of the best-selling of all time. The way the sidewalls were flared allowed for a faster clamp and maximum pinch and grip over the ball. It has been re-released a few times over the course of the last 20 years.

STX Excalibur

 Year(s) released: 1990s

Current value: $55.00 (Sideline Swap)

Why it’s on our list:This was the stick of choice before the Brine Edge. Once players would graduate from the Brine Shotgun, this was the head to go with. It wasn’t originally designed to be a defensive head, but gradually shifted that way with the passage of time. It’s unique sidewall truss was iconic. The fact that it held strong for so long in an offset world speaks volumes to its importance. Read more from Connor Wilson on this head here on LaxAllStars.