With lacrosse tryouts looming around the corner, I threw together some habits to break and essential mindset advice to help you navigate through the nerve-racking portion of your pre-season. After reading this article you should be ready to tackle your next lacrosse tryout.
Your attitude always counts. Your body language is a notable trait and is always on display.
Goalies, do not incessantly bang on the pipes.
You won’t be everyone’s flavor, that’s okay. Just be yourself.
FOGOs stop blaming the official for losing faceoffs.
No complaining.
Do not ignore your off-hand.
Be kind to teammates and support staff.
Defenders, stop hunting for the kill shot, instead focus on making the defensive stop.
You don’t have all the answers. Be inquisitive with a forward moving mindset.
Binge drinking on the weekends is sabotaging your life.
Your emotions will fluctuate. Practice emotional management.
Offensive players, do not repeatedly jam the ball inside to blanketed teammates.
Love yourself first.
Shooters, stop aiming for the pipe. Shoot hard, for net.
Defenders, do not take bad shots in transition. Know your role.
Do not stare at the ball on defense. Keep your head on a swivel.
Nobody can jog off the field or scoop a ground ball with one hand.
Avoid Shooting sidearm/underhand if you haven’t shown the ability to be able to do it.
Dogging it, not hustling, or doing a drill at a reduced intensity.
Don’t waste energy on things you can’t control. Roll with the punches.
Being schematically clueless on the ride and clear will get you demoted.
Not communicating with your teammate. Open your mouth.
Making a scene after a turnover. Instead, get back on defense or sub. Don’t sulk, sprint.
Falling behind academically.
Showing up to practice, weekend event, or game with equipment that needs maintenance. Be proactive with gear maintenance.
Deal with failure. Understand that it’s the path to success. Get back up.
Standing by yourself on the bench after a shift. Instead, stay connected with your line mates. You are more powerful together than alone.
Sleep is a precious commodity.
Standing still on offense.
Attend to minor injuries, strains, bumps, and bruises immediately after practice. Don’t allow small injuries to snowball.
Be grateful for each practice. Wipe the slate clean daily. Exhale. Smile. Relax. Focus.
Be thankful for what you have. Play to your strengths.