Summer’s here and your friends at Radio Zarape are giving away a pair of GlowBro sunglasses to help keep you stylin’ out in the sunshine. Want to win? Listen to the podcast for the super secret instructions.
UPDATE: The winner will be announced next Music Monday. Listen to all the past Radio Zarape shows to bone up on your music knowledge.
More about this week’s featured podcast from Sir Coyler:
“The Sonic Garage and Radio Zarape bring you the first ever CONTEST. That’s right, win a pair of killer sunglasses by Man-Bro Bro-Man to shield your eyes this summer.
All made possible with our big brother website, Lax All Stars. The instructions are hidden in the episode. So you’ll have to carefully maneuver around Little Willie John, Harlan T. Bobo, and the U-Men in order to get the goods.”
Editor’s Suggestion: Click here and open this week’s Radio Zarape in a new tab while you catch up on recent posts from the Lax Network.
Past podcasts from Radio Zarape include:
Featured podcasts from Radio Zarape are in collaboration with Lax All Stars. Catch new shows every Monday on or visit Radio Zarape’s website for heaps of archived content!