Mythbusters: Lacrosse Eye Black IS Function!


A couple of weeks ago we asked if eye black really works. Well, it turns out that it does really work, and we have a scientist to prove it! Dr. Brian M DeBroff walks us through the science, and history, of eye black!

Music Monday: Should Music Be Free?

The music or the money

For this week’s Music Monday we’re talking about free music, how artists can make a living and more. We have a special guest from the Music world via helping us out!

Berry College Produces Halloween Video Gold

Berry college lacrosse georgia lax

We’ve seen a LOT of Halloween lacrosse videos this year, but Berry College in Georgia may take the cake! Great costumes and great scrimmage action from the state of Georgia!

Mustache Vs. Cancer Mondays: Halloween

Mustaches vs Cancer LAS Logo stache

October and November are Mustaches Vs. Cancer time! If you ARE growing a ‘stache we want photos! If you’re not, then donate and help out this worthy cause.

Music Monday: Startling Halloween Tracks

Michael Myers Halloween

LAS is back with a Halloween Music Monday! Celebrate this ancient Celtic holiday in musical style! From fright night classics to great current videos, we’ve got you covered.

Choctaw Stickball: Lacrosse’s First Cousin

choctaw stickball championships

The LA Times recently had an article about Choctaw Stickball, which is like the first cousin of modern lacrosse. It’s played in the Southeast once a year and is the most intense and violent version of the game we’ve ever seen!

Mustaches Vs. Cancer Mondays

youth team lacrosse lax mustaches kids moustache

October and November are Mustaches Vs. Cancer time! If you ARE growing a ‘stache we want photos! If you’re not, then donate and help out this worthy cause.

Music Monday: Musical Surprise!!!!!

Music Monday alien m83

LAS is back with another Music Monday! We tried to broaden the musical horizons and only feature artists that were new to us. Got an bands, groups or artists we should check out? Email us at!

Mythbusters: Eye Black – Fashion Or Function?

Mikey Powell lacrosse red eye black LXM

Does eye black really work? The Mythbusters on TV tried this one out, but we’re not sure they did it right. How does eye black really work? Is it all about fashion? Jerry Seinfeld needs to know, What’s the deal with eye black?