For many of us, the fall has turned into a either a nice reprieve from the sport or another opportunity to prep for the upcoming season. For many more though, it is another day battling cancer, depression, or any of the other numerous diseases that plague this earth.
While many of us get caught up in the daily grind, or the hottest new item out on the market, it becomes more and more important to take time out of your day to do something for others – even if that is as simple as playing a lacrosse game in support of a cause bigger than yourself.
US Lacrosse announced recently that their current 52-man roster will participate in the Play for Parkinson’s event on October 5th. There are many opportunities like this during the Fall: the Northeast Classic, HEADstrong hosts both the Nick Colleluori Classic, as well as the first annual University City Classic – both awesome events held in support of the fight for blood cancers.
With September being the national month for Lyphoma Awareness, Leukemia Awareness, National Prostate Cancer Awareness, and many other unfortunate illnesses, my challenge to you is to take some time out of your “offseason” to donate something to those in need. It doesn’t matter if that comes in the form of money, time, or even just a blood donation at your local American Red Cross.
As always, thank you very much for supporting!