College Box Lacrosse: Loyola Is Doing It

A while back Connor asked why more college lacrosse teams weren’t playing box lacrosse during the offseason. Now that Loyola is doing it, will others follow suit?

2013 NCAA Rule Book: READ IT!

Connor Wilson breaks down the real rule changes and provides a link to the fully updated 2013-14 NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Rule Book.

NYC Box Lacrosse: Week 2 Video And Results

Week 2 of New York City’s box lacrosse league is in the books. Four teams, two games, and both were decided by one goal. It’s anybody’s championship at this point.

Intramural College Lacrosse: BYU – Idaho

BYU-Idaho joins the list of colleges and universities to offer an intramural lacrosse league, but this one is a bit different: most of the players have NEVER played lacrosse before.

Sunday Lacrosse Drop: Box You

This week’s Sunday Lacrosse Drop is packed up with great video, a couple great photos and some incredible stories that haven’t made big news… yet!

Killer Hawaii Finals Highlights From Lax School

malcolm chase hawaii

Lax School’s Bill Millman has put together highlights from the finals of the Hawaii Invitational, and as usual, his work is stellar. Enjoy one last glimpse of paradise before Winter fully sets in.

Predicting The LXM ATS 702: STX Vs Sole


It’s almost time for the LXM PRO 702 event in Las Vegas and now that we know these two teams, we can actually break them down, and make a prediction for this game!