A Japanese Box Lacrosse Experience

lasnai box lacrosse brooklyn

A Japanese Box Lacrosse experience from Kohta Kurashima! Kohta just played his first ever games of box lacrosse at the LASNAI, and he’s a fan of the game already!

LASNAI Tournament Highlight Video

LASNAI Highlight Video - Tournaments

Enjoy the LASNAI Tournament Highlight Video! The tourney was a success and we’ll have a championship game highlight video coming out soon!

LASNAI – POOL Groups Announced!

lasnai pool groups fieldhouse-logos-teams

The LASNAI pool groups have been announced! I can tell you right now, there are going to be some awesome group games! Sept 29-Oct1 – BE THERE!

LASNAI: FINAL Team Announced!

iroquois_nationals box lacrosse iroquois box lacrosse roster eagles

Today we unveil our FINAL team for the upcoming LASNAI and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome in our last team: The Western Eagles!

LASNAI: Team No. 12 Announced!

native sons lacrosse

Who do we have lined up as the team that makes it an even dozen for the LASNAI? This year’s Can-Am Champions, the The Native Sons!

LASNAI: Schedule, Update, Sponsors!

schedule LASNAI

The LASNAI is heating up! It’s time to announce the schedule set up, provide some important updates, and talk about our amazing event sponsors!

LASNAI: Team No. 11 Announced!

Caughnawaga Indians

We are really pumped to have a team from Caughnawaga playing in the LASNAI! It’s an historic lacrosse hotbed and STILL produces talent in buckets.

LASNAI: Team No. 10 Announced!

When it comes to name recognition with your average lacrosse fan, it’s really hard to compete with Thompson Brothers Lacrosse! The LASNAI just got bigger!

LASNAI: Team No. 9 Announced!

Connor wilson NYC box lacrosse

The LASNAI is entering its final stages of prep. We’re announcing our final teams, and getting ready to hit everyone with the general schedule of games!

LASNAI: Team No. 8 Announced!

Bombers Vs LaserSharks

Time for LASNAI team No. 8! Not only is this team really good, but their sponsor is also a tourney sponsor! It’s the Uncommon Fit LaserSharks!